Excel edit text in cell
Excel edit text in cellexcel edit text in cell
  1. Excel edit text in cell how to#
  2. Excel edit text in cell code#

Excel’s ‘grid’ layout can make it challenging to create the layouts you need, but using the techniques shown in this article should allow you to create almost any layout. This does not address your request to be able to automatically populate units after input you put in directly. Excel doesn’t have a concept of cell padding, but the same effect can be achieved by resizing rows and columns and changing the alignment settings of cells. You can put that in whatever formula instead of the direct cell reference.

excel edit text in cell

Would give you a numerical '3' (as you're asking number value to give you the numerical value of the left-most characters until there's a space - minus one character, ie, omitting the space). So, for example, in your first table: =NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(G2,FIND(" ",G2)-1)) You could then use formulas to pull it apart, and they'll be a bit messy, sure, but they'd only care about the first number. So in basic theory here you'd actually make it a text field - '4.5 rolls' per your original example (via a concatenate or whatever). I mean, this may be stupid, but you could maybe do it backward for anything but the direct inputs? Running this through Google Sheets as I don't have Excel on this computer. For example a format like 0.00" Chairs" to display "3.00 Chairs." I would like to find a way to format the cell to something like 0.00 & " " & B3 to display the numerical value followed by whatever B3 is.

Excel edit text in cell how to#

The only way I know to add text to a number cell is through custom formatting but I only know how to add specific text though the custom formatting. I would also like to have the "assembly quantity" column to just have the formula to figure out the quantity of that item for that assembly. I would like to be able to just add the number to the "cover assembly" column and have it saved and treated as just a number while still being followed by the text in the "cover unit" column. I would like to have the functions look like this: Item Lets say I have a table that displays like this: Item I'm adding another example to try and show what I'm looking for. Is there any way to do this or am I looking for some magic solution that doesn't exist? That way the cell is still treated as a number but I have some descriptive text in it. So it would have the numerical value followed by whatever I have in cell E2. I would like to use a conditional format where if a cell value is greater than 0, the custom format is something along the lines of #.00 & E2. I am also well aware that I can individually format each cell to something like #.00" rolls" but I would have to specifically write that out for each instance. I also realize that if I need those cells for anything I can just go LEFT(F2,count to the " ") but I'd like to avoid that if I can. However, if I add any text to those cells they are treated as text and I cannot easily use them in functions in other cells.Īgain, I realize I can just simply put "SqFt" in an adjacent cell but I would like to try out a few things just to learn more about what I can do with formatting. I can easily calculate the Assembly, Quan., and Total values. What I'm trying to put together will sort of look like that.

excel edit text in cell

It's not vitally important but I would like to experiment with my options. I realize I could just as easily put the "rolls" in another cell but I'm also curious to see if this is possible anyway. I want to be able to have a cell be a number format so I can easily use it in calculations but still have some text at the end.įor example, I want a cell to be written as "4.5 rolls" but be in a number format so I can easily take that cell value and multiply it by the cost per roll to get the total. I'm trying to add text from another cell to the end of a cell I'm trying to format. Recent ClippyPoint Milestones !Ĭongratulations and thank you to these contributors DateĪ community since MaDownload the official /r/Excel Add-in to convert Excel cells into a table that can be posted using reddit's markdown. Include a screenshot, use the tableit website, or use the ExcelToReddit converter (courtesy of u/tirlibibi17) to present your data.

Excel edit text in cell code#

NOTE: For VBA, you can select code in your VBA window, press Tab, then copy and paste that into your post or comment. From Excel Ribbon, click Data tab > Data Validation. All cells which have a drop-down box is applied, and you wanted to edit. To keep Reddit from mangling your formulas and other code, display it using inline-code or put it in a code-block In your excel spreadsheet, select all the cells which have reference to your drop-down list (In this example, select all rows from column Answers), i.e. This will award the user a ClippyPoint and change the post's flair to solved.

excel edit text in cell

OPs can (and should) reply to any solutions with: Solution Verified Only text posts are accepted you can have images in Text posts.Use the appropriate flair for non-questions.Post titles must be specific to your problem.

Excel edit text in cell